#5583 WBU SHRM Student Chapter

Working Together: The Alchemy of Education & Experience

#5583 WBU SHRM Student Chapter

Working Together: The Alchemy of Education & Experience

Iditaroll Project
Helping the community one roll at a time

Project update
Note: In the Fall of 2020, we were asked to change our focus to address needs in the community following the onset of COVID19. We were asked to fund meals through Beans.org (Bean's Cafe) in the Fall, and in Spring 2021 to provide linens/sleeping bags/blankets and towels to the Bean's Shelter at the Ben Boeke Arena.

The Wayland Baptist University (WBU) Society for Human Resource Management Student Chapter commits itself to helping the community of Anchorage, Alaska.


Our Student Chapter holds (held) an annual event called the Great Alaska IditaRoll Drive named after the famous Alaska Dog Sled race, the Iditarod. This drive focuses on one important thing we'd miss if we ran out: toilet paper. Every winter we go all-out to collect toilet paper to donate to the local shelter Beans Cafe. For those who don't already know, Bean's Cafe's mission is to feed the hungry and shelter the homeless without discrimination during the day. The cafe uses 150 rolls of toilet paper per day which totals to about 56,000 rolls in a year. As members of the WBU SHRM Student Chapter, we help by seeking donations of toilet paper from students, staff, faculty and local businesses.

We know there are many needs in every community, and toilet paper seems marginal compared to others - but it is still a necessity that will not go away. Therefore, we are going beyond the walls of WBU and asking the community to partner with us in this event. Please join our efforts each year and become part of the annual Great Alaska IditaRoll Drive.

Please make donations at either the Main Campus in Anchorage or the Matsu-Valley Campus first quarter of the Whatever can be contributed will be deeply appreciated. The Student Chapter members, on behalf of the Anchorage Campus, Wayland Baptist University will deliver the toilet paper to Bean's Cafe at the beginning of the second quarter.

Thank you,
WBU SHRM Student Chapter #5583

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