#5583 WBU SHRM Student Chapter

Working Together: The Alchemy of Education & Experience

#5583 WBU SHRM Student Chapter

Working Together: The Alchemy of Education & Experience

Information about SHRM Scholarships
The updated link for the Scholarships: 
    The link to SHRM Membership Application: https://www.wbu.edu/campuses/anchorage/shrm/join.htm
    The SHRM website: 

NHRMA (Northwest Human Resource Management Association) awards & scholarships: https://

To apply for scholarships, become a member. Members who take an active role have stronger credentials for scholarship qualification. Volunteer!

Foundation Scholarship Award

In 2024, Ruby Tovar and Jackson Tunnel were named recipients of the graduate and undergraduate awards as presented by NHRMA in Portland, OR.

In 2023, Gladys “Penny” Mosher (2023 graduate) was named recipient of the SHRM Foundation award to prepare for the SHRM Certification exam.
In 2020, Elene "Lee" Cole (2020 graduate) was named recipient of the SHRM Foundation award to prepare for the SHRM Certification exam.
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What: Undergraduate and Graduate Scholarships
When: Applications due March 8 / August 15 annually
How: contact the WBU SHRM faculty advisor
Details: SHRM Foundation

In 2023, Taylor Wright was named as a recipient of the Undergraduate Scholarship.

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